Jathin Arjun
Jathin is an undergrad student pursuing a BSc in the Cognitive Systems: Cognition and Brain program. He is currently assisting Megan with her wheel-running study and how brain steroids play a role in the motivation to exercise in rats.
Anna Mazurenko
Anna is a BSc student pursuing a degree in Honours Behavioural Neuroscience. Anna is currently assisting Melody Salehzadeh in exploring the production of glucocorticoids in lymphoid organs and brain using tissue culture, qPCR and LC-MS/MS. She is also working on an Honours project to measure enzymatic activity in rat placenta.
Ching Zhang
Ching is a BSc student completing her degree in Biology with a minor in Oceanography. Ching is working with Hitasha Bajaj and looking at mechanisms of enzymatic microglial interactions and glucocorticoid synthesis in the brain as a result of early life stress. She is also optimizing a technique for the extraction of sequenceable RNA and […]
Garrett Ainsworth-Cruickshank
Garrett completed his BSc in Cell and Developmental Biology (honours). Garrett is interested in how changes to the gut microbiome impact health. He assisted Dr. Jordan E. Hamden and Dr. Désirée R. Seib with the bioinformatic analysis of their projects as well as helped establish behavioural analysis software in the lab.